Shalom Bed and Breakfast B&B Carlingford

Shalom Bed Breakfast Carlingford

Shalom Bed and Breakfast B&B Carlingford

Your Hosts Kevin and Jackie Woods welcome you to the Fáilte Ireland approved family run Bed & Breakfast. "Shalom". 

Our house is situated in the medieval town of Carlingford on the shores of Carlingford Lough, overlooked by the Cooley mountains on one side and the Mourne mountains on the other side of the Lough.

We are located 4 minutes walk from the Four Seasons Hotel and Ghan House and 5 minutes walk from the town centre.

Rates & Booking

Sharing: Our rates for Bed and Breakfast P.P.S. are €40 - €45 

Single: Our Single rate is €55


Address: Ghan Road, Carlingford, Co. Louth
Tel: +353 (0) 42 93 73151
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